Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Little Creatures Pale Ale Recipe

A Little Creatures Pale Ale clone I would like to try down the track:

  • 1.7kg Coopers Premium Draught
  • 1.5kg Morgans light malt extract
  • 200g dried wheat malt extract
  • 15g East Kent Goldings Hops
  • 15g Galaxy Hops
  • 10g Cascade Hops
  • 11.5g US-05 ale yeast
  • Sit the extract cans in hot water so they can be poured.
  • Boil 2L of water and add dried wheat malt extract, bring back to boil then simmer.
  • Add EKG & galaxy hops and boil for 15 minutes.
  • Add boiled extract to the fermenter with the extract cans and stir.
  • Top up fermenter with cold water to the 23L mark.
  • Pitch the yeast and ferment at 18-20C.
  • After 4-5 days add the Cascade hops to the fermenter.
  • Bottle with 2 tspsn sugar (per longneck).

1 comment:

  1. Original "Boonie's" recipe:

    1 tin Morgans Stockmans Draught
    1.5 kg of Morgans Extra Pale Malt Extract (Liquid)
    15g of Cascade pellets - 15min
    10g Cluster pellets - 15 min
    US56 Yeast.
    12g of Chinook Pellets (dry hopped at rack).
