Monday, April 30, 2012

Coopers Pale Ale #1

1.7kg Australian Pale Ale
500g Light Dry Malt
250g Sugar (Dextrose)

Original Gravity - 1.030 (Could have been false reading)
Final Gravity - 1.003
Approx. ABV - 4.2%

Brewing Notes
Mixed up LDM and Dextrose in 2 litres of boiling water. Added the can, filled to 23 litres and pitched the yeast at approx 20 degrees. Fermented at 16-20 degrees (18 degrees on average) using a brew belt on a timer during the night with final gravity reached after 8 days. Made 29 bottles and will condition for 2+ weeks. I think I will invest in a glass hydrometer to get better gravity readings in the future.

Tasting Notes
Cracked a couple after 2.5 weeks in the bottle and it tastes like Coopers Pale Ale! Well, not exactly but in the ball park. I think another week and it will be a nice semi-clone. The next one with extra hops should be closer I think.

Rating: 3/5

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