Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Coopers Pale Ale #4

1.7kg Coopers Australian Pale
1kg Coopers Brew Enhancer #2
1/2 tablet finishing hops

Original Gravity - 1.036
Final Gravity - 1.012
Approx. ABV - 4% (need a decent hydrometer, this can't be right!)

Brewing Notes
Mixed up sugars and added can, dropped half tablet of finishing hops before pitching yeast at 25 degrees. Hops definitely make the brew go a darker color at first but this dissipates before bottling. Used two teaspoons of dextrose per longneck,  high hopes for this one!

Note - I made two batches of this one with the second batch only filling the fermenter to 21 litres due to the low ABV reading of the first batch. Second batch came out at 4.8% ABV...

Tasting Notes
It's very close to CPA but seems to be missing the kick. The finishing hops don't seem to do a lot, I think a real hop addition like Coopers Pale Ale #2 is the way to go...

Rating 3.5/5

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