Thursday, June 4, 2015

Coopers Pale Ale #6

Coopers Pale Ale tin
Cascade Hops
1kg Coopers Brew Enhancer #2
500g Coopers Light Dry Malt Extract
Cascade hops teabag
US-05 Dry Yeast
(using recipe in this blog)

Original Gravity - 1046
Final Gravity - 1011
Approx. ABV - 5.2%

Brewing Notes
Steeped the hops in 2 cups boiling water while I mixed up the sugars in 2L boiling water and then mixed in the can. Threw in the hops, water, bag and all. I may have used too much hot water because the temperature was too high to pitch the yeast so I put a couple of ice cubes in and waited for an hour before pitching. The instructions on the yeast packet say it likes between 15 and 22 degrees and it's staying between that for the duration of fermentation.

Tasting Notes
Opened a couple of bottles 16 days after bottling and it's well on it's way to being a great beer! The extra hops have given it a very floral flavor not unlike commercial Coopers Pale, carbonation is right and ABV seems OK. Will wait another week and hopefully we will have a 5 star recipe!

Well, about 4 weeks after bottling and I never thought I would say this but I think it's a bit too strong!
It just has a bit of strong aftertaste and after a few you definitely feel a bit wobbly. Not bad.


Saturday, August 31, 2013

Czech Pilsener

3kg can of Czech Pilsener from Peakhurst Brew Shop
Thanks Giff!

Original Gravity - 1041
Final Gravity - 1011
Approx. ABV - 4.5%

Brewing Notes
This was the easiest brew I've done as everything is in the one can, yep, malt, sugars hops, the lot! Just mixed it up and added the supplied yeast. I was a bit worried about the green foam but was assured by my mate Giff, who bought me the brew, that it was just due to the hops. Anyway it fermented out really well and it looks like the ABV is on track. High hopes for this one!

Tasting Notes
After 3 weeks in the bottle I cracked one of these little beauties and it's tops! Very little brew aftertaste and a beer that mates will like no matter what they drink. Also, the ABV is right on what was predicted (or feels that way anyway :)). As I said this was an easy process for a simple but tasty beer! Thanks again Giff!

Rating: 4/5

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Coopers Pale Ale #5

1.7kg Black Rock India Pale Ale Can
1kg Shire Brewing Brew Booster #15
11.5g Safale #04 yeast

Original Gravity - 1040 (5.1%)
Final Gravity -1020 (1.9%)
Approx. ABV - 3.2%

Brewing Notes
First brew in 6 months. I keep saying it was too warm to brew but it's just laziness I guess. This was a very simple brew cashing in on a Xmas gift voucher from a local home brew store. I also purchased a glass hydrometer so I'll see if my readings are a bit more credible!
Mixed up the sugars and the can in 2 litres of boiling water and filled to 23 litres with cold. Pitched yeast at 26 degrees (C) which is probably a bit warm but the brew has settled to a fairly constant 18 degrees using a heat belt that is on for an hour and off for an hour from midnight to 6am.
This yeast says ideal temperatures between 15 and 24 degrees so I'm not too worried if the temp dips a bit lower...

I tested original gravity after I pitched the yeast, maybe this is my problem because 3.2% ABV just does not sound right! Bottled 30 bottles but also realised that I forgot to take the Krausen collar off after 3 days. Hope this doesn't affect it! Arrghh, that's what happens when you don't brew for a while!

Tasting Notes
Cracked one of these after 2 weeks in the bottle and it was NOT ready! Waited one more week and low and behold a decent beer. The problem is that it's more like Cooper's Mild Ale as the alcohol content was way too low. I think I might not have mixed the sugars enough.

Rating: 3

Sunday, November 11, 2012

2 Coopers Pale Ale Recipes

Coopers Pale Ale tin
1kg Brew Enhancer #2
500g LDME
Cascade hop teabag
US-05 Dry Yeast (optional 300gram light crystal grain steep)

#2 (when confident)
2.0kg LDME
0.7kg Dextrose
18g Pride of Ringwood hops
200g Caraamber
100g Carapils
Recultured CPA Yeast

1.) Steep the milled grains in 4L of 60-70C water in a tied swiss voile square for 30 minutes.

2.) Remove grain bag, let drain (squeeze lightly) and then add 200g of the LDME. Bring to boil and simmer.

3.) Add hops and set timer for 60 minutes.

4.) Add all dry ingredients to fermenter. Pour hop boil through strainer into fermenter (ignore clumping of LDME, it dissolves).

5.) Top up to 22L with cold tap water. Add yeast and keep between 17 and 20C.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Coopers Pale Ale #4

1.7kg Coopers Australian Pale
1kg Coopers Brew Enhancer #2
1/2 tablet finishing hops

Original Gravity - 1.036
Final Gravity - 1.012
Approx. ABV - 4% (need a decent hydrometer, this can't be right!)

Brewing Notes
Mixed up sugars and added can, dropped half tablet of finishing hops before pitching yeast at 25 degrees. Hops definitely make the brew go a darker color at first but this dissipates before bottling. Used two teaspoons of dextrose per longneck,  high hopes for this one!

Note - I made two batches of this one with the second batch only filling the fermenter to 21 litres due to the low ABV reading of the first batch. Second batch came out at 4.8% ABV...

Tasting Notes
It's very close to CPA but seems to be missing the kick. The finishing hops don't seem to do a lot, I think a real hop addition like Coopers Pale Ale #2 is the way to go...

Rating 3.5/5

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Cooper's Canadian Blonde

1.7kg Cooper's Canadian Blonde
1kg Brew Enhancer #1

Original Gravity - 1.040
Final Gravity - 1.012
Approx. ABV - 4.3%

Brewing Notes
Mixed up sugars and can, pitched yeast at 24 degrees. Might use 2 teaspoons of dextrose in each bottle. Also, I have been taking my original gravity reading after adding the yeast. With this one I took it before adding the yeast and it is a somewhat higher reading. Will test with a Pale Ale next go...

Tasting Notes
This beer definitely gets better with age. After 4 weeks it was not too bad, maybe it's my pallet but I found it just that, OK...

Rating 3/5

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Coopers Pale Ale #3

Re-activating Coopers commercial yeast
1.7kg Coopers Australian Pale Ale
1kg Coopers Brew Enhancer #2
Re-activated Coopers commercial yeast

Original Gravity - 1.035
Final Gravity - 1.008
Approx. ABV - 4.2%

Brewing Notes
Re-activating yeast as per instructions in "Re-activating Coopers Commercial Yeast" post below.

+3 days - Only a little bit of bubbling in the bottles, will check tonight and if there is no activity I might have to use the yeast in the kit :(

OK, when I turn the bottles upside down a big head is formed after turning it back, I'm assuming this means it's ready to go. I mixed up the Brew Enhancer with the can of goo and pitched the bottles of (hopefully) re-activated yeast at 23 degrees. I'm quite nervous, if this doesn't kick off it will be a big waste of time! Come on the yeast!

Super foamy!
+2 days in the fermenter - It's working! Actually, I've created a monster! I've never seen anything foam like this... it's sitting at 18-20 degrees and has a big foam mushroom in the middle!? Anyway, good news, the yeast has spoken!

Tasting Notes
This is the closest I have come to commercial Coopers Pale Ale. The re-activated yeast really helps in giving it the Cooper's flavour. It is still missing some secret ingredient though, perhaps a small amount of hops? Hard to tell the difference from the real thing!

Rating: 5/5