Saturday, August 31, 2013

Czech Pilsener

3kg can of Czech Pilsener from Peakhurst Brew Shop
Thanks Giff!

Original Gravity - 1041
Final Gravity - 1011
Approx. ABV - 4.5%

Brewing Notes
This was the easiest brew I've done as everything is in the one can, yep, malt, sugars hops, the lot! Just mixed it up and added the supplied yeast. I was a bit worried about the green foam but was assured by my mate Giff, who bought me the brew, that it was just due to the hops. Anyway it fermented out really well and it looks like the ABV is on track. High hopes for this one!

Tasting Notes
After 3 weeks in the bottle I cracked one of these little beauties and it's tops! Very little brew aftertaste and a beer that mates will like no matter what they drink. Also, the ABV is right on what was predicted (or feels that way anyway :)). As I said this was an easy process for a simple but tasty beer! Thanks again Giff!

Rating: 4/5

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Coopers Pale Ale #5

1.7kg Black Rock India Pale Ale Can
1kg Shire Brewing Brew Booster #15
11.5g Safale #04 yeast

Original Gravity - 1040 (5.1%)
Final Gravity -1020 (1.9%)
Approx. ABV - 3.2%

Brewing Notes
First brew in 6 months. I keep saying it was too warm to brew but it's just laziness I guess. This was a very simple brew cashing in on a Xmas gift voucher from a local home brew store. I also purchased a glass hydrometer so I'll see if my readings are a bit more credible!
Mixed up the sugars and the can in 2 litres of boiling water and filled to 23 litres with cold. Pitched yeast at 26 degrees (C) which is probably a bit warm but the brew has settled to a fairly constant 18 degrees using a heat belt that is on for an hour and off for an hour from midnight to 6am.
This yeast says ideal temperatures between 15 and 24 degrees so I'm not too worried if the temp dips a bit lower...

I tested original gravity after I pitched the yeast, maybe this is my problem because 3.2% ABV just does not sound right! Bottled 30 bottles but also realised that I forgot to take the Krausen collar off after 3 days. Hope this doesn't affect it! Arrghh, that's what happens when you don't brew for a while!

Tasting Notes
Cracked one of these after 2 weeks in the bottle and it was NOT ready! Waited one more week and low and behold a decent beer. The problem is that it's more like Cooper's Mild Ale as the alcohol content was way too low. I think I might not have mixed the sugars enough.

Rating: 3