I found the recipe on Coopers Talk Brewing but after further research found a tweaked version at George's Home Brewing - http://www.georges-homebrewing.com/index.php/pale-ales/49-coppers-pale-ale
Tossing up whether to try a different yeast to the one supplied with the kit.
1.7kg Coopers Pale Ale kit
1kg Coopers Brew Enhancer #2
15g Cascade Finishing Hops
Original Gravity -
Final Gravity - 1.006
Approx. ABV - 4.5%
Brewing Notes
Steep the hops in boiling water for 15 minutes. Dissolve the brew enhancer in 2 litres of boiling water and add the can. Washed out the rest of the can with a bit of boiling water and added it and the hops (bag as well) to the wort. I also tried George's trick of filling two cans worth of wort from the tap and adding it back into the top of the fermenter. Pitched the yeast at 22 degrees and will try to keep it at 18- 20 degrees using a brew belt at night.
+4 hours, just noticed that the brew is quite dark compared to the last one. Must be the hops, fingers crossed it's OK!
+8 days - Bottled 30 bottles, looks good!
Tasting Notes
This beer is really close to the commercial product. It's a touch more floral due to the addition of the hops but that doesn't detract from the taste. A great beer!
Rating: 4/5.